December 18th, 2018 by
Ashley and Martin
Benjamin’s* father was thinning on top and his uncle was completely bald. As a young man whose job it was to present people and products in the best light, he knew that image was important to his career. It simply would not do for him to accept his fate in travelling down the same path as his father and uncle by allowing the wide strip of thin and patchy hair to extend any further. Benjamin’s hair had rapidly gone from thick and healthy to thin and wiry in a matter of twelve months. Who knew how long he would have any hair at all it if continued to fall out at this accelerated rate? The 21-year-old called Ashley and Martin Read More
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November 14th, 2017 by
Ashley and Martin
Ben’s* self-esteem was taking a hit, he was only 22 and already he had drastic hair loss. He was trying over the counter vitamins and shampoos without any success. Having heard of Ashley and Martin on the television Ben thought it would now be a good idea to speak to someone who specialised in hair loss. Having used the online enquiry system on the Ashley and Martin website Ben was now meeting with his consultant for the first time. Performing a scalp examination Ben’s consultant noted generalised thinning from the hairline to the crown. Ben was young, fit and healthy but baldness ran in the males of his family through his father and grandfather. The consultant explained to Ben that Read More
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October 9th, 2017 by
Ashley and Martin
At 32 Tabeen* had almost given up on finding a solution for his hair loss. He had spoken with his GP and dermatologist, had tried various over the counter remedies including shampoos and conditioners. Nothing had worked to cover the sparse area of hair on his crown. As a last resort Tabeen started to research hair loss on the Internet. He was drawn to Ashley and Martin, their sites were very informative, they were a reputable company and he could see their clients were getting impressive results. Tabeen completed the online form for his first free consultation subsequently booking his appointment with the friendly clinic staff over the phone. Now speaking to his consultant Tabeen explained that he had been Read More
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July 10th, 2017 by
Ashley and Martin
Adam* had always had a thick head of jet black hair but in the last 6 months it was looking and feeling different. There was a history of family hair loss on Adam’s father’s side and at 32 Adam knew this was the start of it for him. To make matters worse Adam was in the process of changing his career from that of an Accounts Manager to joining the Australian Army. Having taken the decision to make such a drastic change in his life Adam was now concerned with the question of how could he keep up to his strong athletic image and gain the respect from his Army peers when he was losing his hair. Adam searched the Read More
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