Benjamin’s* father was thinning on top and his uncle was completely bald. As a young man whose job it was to present people and products in the best light, he knew that image was important to his career. It simply would not do for him to accept his fate in travelling down the same path as his father and uncle by allowing the wide strip of thin and patchy hair to extend any further. Benjamin’s hair had rapidly gone from thick and healthy to thin and wiry in a matter of twelve months. Who knew how long he would have any hair at all it if continued to fall out at this accelerated rate? The 21-year-old called Ashley and Martin for help with the encouragement of his family. Barely out of his teenage years and already well on his way to going bald, Benjamin’s relatives understood the need to act quickly.
After diagnosing him with male pattern baldness, Norwood III vertex, Benjamin’s consultant discussed how the RealGROWTH® program would work to intervene in the genetic process causing his excessive hair fall, reactivate his dormant hair follicles causing them to re-enter their growth phase and stimulate healthy hair growth. In fact, his consultant was so confident this course of treatment would work that Benjamin was offered a money back guarantee. With nothing to lose but more hair, Benjamin enrolled on a RealGROWTH® program and booked an appointment to see the clinic’s hair loss doctor before leaving that day.
After four months of adhering to his home treatment routine and attending fortnightly laser therapy appointments at the clinic, Benjamin sat down with his consultant for his first Ashley and Martin Review. It appeared that his consultant’s confidence had not been unfounded; the early results were astonishing. Significant changes had taken place throughout the entirety of Benjamin’s problem zones, leaving him with a full, healthy head of hair once again.
*name changed to protect privacy
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