Brent* had been losing his hair for approximately two years when he came to Ashley and Martin. At first the loss had not worried him, but as time went on his scalp became more visible through his thinning hair and for the past four weeks seeking treatment had been playing on his mind. Having submitted an enquiry online after searching for hair loss companies, he attended his first appointment having never tried any hair loss remedies available to him over the counter.
The consultant got to know Brent and his motivation for coming to Ashley and Martin. Brent, like many young men, was concerned about the impact his hair loss was having on his appearance. He was only 22 years old and his hair had suffered a serious loss in density. The consultant performed a scalp examination, noting that Brent also suffered from dandruff. Brent’s hair was thin all over, with a particular decrease in density throughout the frontal area and crown. Brent had already told him that his father had lost a great deal of hair and this information, coupled with the pattern of loss the consultant was seeing, led to a diagnosis of Male Pattern Hair Loss, Norwood III vertex.
His consultant offered Brent a RealGROWTH® treatment program that consisted of anti-androgens, a topical solution, herbal supplements and specialised hygiene products to protect the newly growing hair. Not one to make rash decisions, Brent went home to think about everything he had learned at his appointment.
Three weeks later Brent called the clinic to go ahead with treatment. He was booked in to see the clinic hair loss doctor to have his medication prescribed and offered his choice of appointment times for laser therapy treatments.
A busy man, Brent was unable to attend regular laser therapy appointments, but took his medication regularly and looked forward to attending his first Ashley and Martin Review.
When Brent returned to see his consultant sixteen weeks later for his first progress review, his hair was thicker and healthier than it had been in years. Not only had his temporal recession reversed and overall density improved, but his dandruff had been cleared up by the topical solution he was using. He could not have been happier with the results he had received using Ashley and Martin’s RealGROWTH® medical hair regrowth program.
*name changed to protect privacy
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