Before the world was hit by the global pandemic, Blake’s* luxury travel industry job had taken him around the world. This elite industry was all about brand, quality and image and Blake always wanted to look his best. Although he wasn’t suffering any self-esteem issues, he was aware that his hair was thinning and it made him feel as though he wasn’t looking his best at work. At 47 years old he was keen to halt the shedding before it got any worse so he filled in the online contact form to request an appointment to visit an Ashley and Martin hair loss specialist.
At his initial appointment, the friendly consultant examined Blake’s scalp and asked him some questions about his general health and hair loss history. Blake told the consultant that he’d been thinning on top for 5 to 7 years and had been considering treatment for most of those years but had never actually got around to addressing the problem. He also disclosed that there was some family history of hair fall with his grandfather suffering from baldness. His consultant diagnosed him with androgenic alopecia – also known as male pattern hair loss – Norwood level III vertex.
The Norwood scale (or Hamilton-Norwood scale) is the leading classification system used to measure the extent of male pattern baldness. At level 3 vertex, Blake had a slight recession around his temples but significant hair loss on the top of his scalp (the vertex) and it was this ‘bald spot’ that Blake was keen to get rid of.
The consultant felt confident that the RealGROWTH® program could help Blake regrow hair by reactivating the dormant hair follicles and promoting new growth. This multi-faceted approach also included the use of a laser cap to stimulate the hair follicles, resulting in thicker hair growth. Blake felt reassured after his visit to the clinic and went away to consider his options. He was called away by work for six weeks but signed up on his return and, six months into the treatment plan, he is enjoying the benefits of his regrowth.
Both Blake and his partner are very happy with the result. Halfway through the treatment program, his vertex had covered over with strong, fresh regrowth and his hair felt better than if had done in years. His travel opportunities had obviously stopped due to the pandemic, but Blake now felt more confident turning up to work knowing that he was looking (and feeling) his best.
*name changed to protect privacy
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