A 23 year old male patient presented with male pattern hair loss wanting a reverse hair loss program.
He had noticed thinning hair throughout the top of his scalp over the last 12 months, and noted a strong family history of hair loss including his father, and uncles on his mother’s side.
Being 23, he was not ready to accept hairloss and wanted to see if there was anything he could do about it.
After examining his scalp and showing him the images of his hairloss, he realised the hairloss was a bit worse than what he had actually noticed himself.
Fortunately he had caught this at an early stage and I was confident in placing him on our moneyback guaranteed reverse hair loss program..
After explaining the normal timeline for results, I went on to enrol him onto the Realgrowth Program. Outlining the simple daily routine for him to follow combined with fortnightly clinic visits, the client was impressed with how easy it all seemed.
After 4 months of using our prescribed topical lotion, tablets and fortnightly laser sessions, he had noticed significant change already.
Photos were taken at this halfway point, which can be seen displayed.
He is very happy and excited that his hair loss is back in his control through his reverse hair loss program.