While watching the cricket, Ash* saw men suffering from the same problem with hair loss as him in the ads. Talking about the difference it had made to them after reaching their turning point and contacting Ashley and Martin, Ash realised he needed to do the same. Fit, healthy, and sporty, he was not ready to look older than he truly was. Contacting Ashley and Martin through the online contact form, 26-year-old Ash took the first step towards regrowing his hair.
During his scalp examination, the consultant could see that the pattern of loss was following the standard progression of male pattern baldness, fitting with the strong genetic history of hair loss in Ash’s family. His maternal uncle, grandfather and great grandfather had all suffered hair loss in the same way. Placing his loss at a level IV on the Norwood hair loss scale, the consultant outlined the proposed course of treatment. In combination with a herbal supplement proven to block the conversion of testosterone to DHT, causing hair follicles to miniaturise, both topical and oral prescription medications would be used to slow the excess shedding to a natural rate and regrow hair from dormant follicles. After four years of watching his hair disappear, Ash had reached his turning point and signed up for treatment.
Ash did not return to see his consultant until eight months after he started his RealGROWTH® treatment program. At the time, he did not feel the treatment had been working effectively. Monitoring his progress with photos taken on the day of enrollment against ones taken that day, the pictures told a different story. Progress photos clearly highlighted the substantial increase in density across the whole scalp including the frontal hair line which had been especially sparsely populated. And miniaturised follicles that had been producing thin, fine hairs were now growing thick, healthy strands of hair. Ash did not have to take the consultant’s word for it, the results were plain to see.
*name changed to protect privacy
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