Orami* knew that he was losing his hair – it was hard not to notice his dark strands shedding and when he ran his fingers through, he could feel the thin patches. His hairdresser had also noticed and mentioned the patchiness to Orami and this started him thinking that maybe he should get some professional help.
At 39 years old, he didn’t want to follow in the footsteps of his maternal grandfather and uncle but here he was…suffering hair fall just like they did. Growing concerned about his appearance, Orami took action and took it upon himself to research hair loss clinics that would be able to help him. After visiting multiple websites and online forums, Ormai’s own research concluded that, as the largest medical hair clinic in the southern hemisphere, Ashley and Martin medical hair loss centres had lots of satisfied customers.
Orami booked a free consultation online and discussed his options with a hair loss specialist. He told his consultant about his family history of hair loss and disclosed that he had also recently been very stressed due to the health issues of another family member. He was diagnosed with hair loss level IV on the Norwood scale – significant hair loss but, he was happy to hear, not untreatable. His consultant recommended the 12 month RealGROWTH® treatment program for Orami; a multifaceted approach which would slow the shedding and help rebuild stronger, healthier strands of hair.
Orami took all of the information onboard and went away to consider the treatment plan. He soon went back to enrol into the program and was very happy that he did. Five months into his program he went back for his progress review (and for more photos) – he was astounded by the difference in these new images compared to the ones he had at the start. Already his hair was growing back over his temporal region and the loss over his crown was covering over the previously patchy areas.
It was great to see the photos but he already knew that the transformation was happening because his friends had all commented. And now, when he ran his fingers through his hair, he could feel the difference; thick, healthy strands of newly grown hair – and they felt fantastic.
*Name changed to protect privacy