At 32 Tabeen* had almost given up on finding a solution for his hair loss. He had spoken with his GP and dermatologist, had tried various over the counter remedies including shampoos and conditioners. Nothing had worked to cover the sparse area of hair on his crown. As a last resort Tabeen started to research hair loss on the Internet. He was drawn to Ashley and Martin, their sites were very informative, they were a reputable company and he could see their clients were getting impressive results. Tabeen completed the online form for his first free consultation subsequently booking his appointment with the friendly clinic staff over the phone.
Now speaking to his consultant Tabeen explained that he had been losing his hair over a two-year period. He had moved to Australia twelve months ago which had made the loss more excessive during this period. Performing a scalp examination and discussing Tabeen’s medical and family history, male pattern baldness Norwood IV was diagnosed. Other than Tabeen’s lifestyle change he was fit and well with no underlying medical conditions.
The consultant was confident that a good result would be achieved by using the RealGROWTH® medications program and spoke with Tabeen about how this approach would assist him to regrow his lost hair. The consultant also recommended Tabeen attend regular low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) sessions in the clinic. All aspects of the treatment plan were explained in detail and all Tabeen’s questions were answered openly; this transparency gave Tabeen the confidence to enroll on a plan straight away.
Four months after starting treatment Tabeen attended his first Ashley and Martin review, he was thrilled with the amount of hair that had grown back already. Far from the failed treatments that he had tried before, Tabeen’s hair had become denser across the crown and felt healthy and strong. Tabeen hadn’t told anyone about his treatment with Ashley and Martin but he himself was beaming with restored confidence.
*name changed to protect privacy
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