February 3rd, 2021 by
Ashley and Martin
Orami* knew that he was losing his hair – it was hard not to notice his dark strands shedding and when he ran his fingers through, he could feel the thin patches. His hairdresser had also noticed and mentioned the patchiness to Orami and this started him thinking that maybe he should get some professional help. At 39 years old, he didn’t want to follow in the footsteps of his maternal grandfather and uncle but here he was…suffering hair fall just like they did. Growing concerned about his appearance, Orami took action and took it upon himself to research hair loss clinics that would be able to help him. After visiting multiple websites and online forums, Ormai’s own research concluded Read More
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October 28th, 2020 by
Ashley and Martin
Derek* had been watching Ashley and Martin hair loss advertisements on the TV for years but it was only in the past two years that they had resonated with him. He’d been considering treatment for his hair loss for nearly a year, he was now 55 years old and his hair was starting to thin at a rapid rate. His vertex and frontal hairline were depleting and Derek was worried that soon all of his hair would be gone. Once he made the decision to take action it was very easy take the first steps. Derek used the Ashley and Martin website to make an online enquiry and was contacted by his nearest clinic to arrange a date for his Read More
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September 30th, 2020 by
Ashley and Martin
Matt* had been losing his hair for over five years. At 47 years old, he was starting to think that he should resign himself to the fact that he, like his father, would lose nearly all of his hair. He’d been considering hair loss treatment for some time and had acted on it by visiting another hair loss clinic with disappointing results. It was a TV ad for an Ashley and Martin hair loss clinic that prompted Matt to give it one last go. He’d reached what the ad described as ‘his turning point’ years ago but he needed professional advice from a medical hair specialist and a treatment that was likely to work…he made an online appointment and attended Read More
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April 22nd, 2020 by
Ashley and Martin
With no family history of hair loss, it was a worry to Kristoff* that he had started to develop a sizable bald patch on the top of his head. And as a man who dealt in facts and certainties, he wanted to be sure he was seeking help from a reputable source when it came time to treat his hair. Seeking advice from different sources, a friend told him that Ashley and Martin was the best place to go if he wanted to regrow hair. So, trusting his friend, he called the local Ashley and Martin clinic to find out more. Attending a free consultation, Kristoff told his consultant he had been losing his hair for the past five years Read More
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